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Chemotherapy Treatment
Oncology EM0 easily exceeds the Oncologist's expectations and requirements. This full featured, easy to use EMR is template based, drastically reducing the cost of dictation/transcription, Pre-defined macros and easy to use point
With Oncology EM0 you can quickly generate an accurate and comprehensive Visit Note. Oncology EM0 allows you to incorporate time saving shortcuts such as default "negative" values with a focus on the exceptions.
Quick Documentation of Chemotherapy Treatment
- Predefined treatment protocols with automated CPTs
Treatment Comparison
- Auto updated flow Sheet for Chemo cvcles
- Review patient's chemo cycles, lab results, and vital signs from Dashboard
- Make evidence based clinical decisions regarding patient treatment by easily comparing multiple visits
Chemotherapy Schedule
Document & Image Management
Condense and organize paper flow into a user-friendly, easily accessible digital document file cabinet.
Customized file folders to organize documents
Multi-scan facility
Integrated with Fax management module
Easy access to patient documents/images
Mapping of patient records with bar codes
Flexible and comprehensive prescription module easily tracks medication & refill history. Complete with drug education integration, dosing, allergy and drug interactions and contraindication checks to ensure the safety and well being of each patient.
- Maintains history of currentlpast medications
- Creates frequently used individual or group medication templates - A value added feature
- Customized Rx print layouts, allows for prescriptions to be printed at the time of check-out or to be faxed directly to the patient's pharmacy with the physician's password protected signature
- Prescription and refill history and tasks can be easily tracked and completed through our Fax Management module
Lab Tracking
Supports HL7 interface to transfer the diagnosticllab orders electronically. Customized test templates, pre-printed order forms, and print or fax orders.
Authorization/Referral Tracking
Authorization checking is provided for Check-In and Charge Posting to ensure insurance reimbursements.
Quick data entry, strong validations, pre-check EMC, HCFA or UB92 claims, automatic reconciliation (ERA), enhanced collections and extensive reports keep finance on track. It takes care of the total receivables from patient's visit and covers entire flow from Super Bill to Collections. Complete integration with other major modules like Scheduler, Check In/Out, EMR etc.
Increases cash flow through detailed user-friendly billing
Extensive Fee schedule
Flexible CPT Templates, Macros and Parameters for faster and more accurate billing
Easily retrieves data from Super Bill to Charge Posting
Supports EMC, HCFA, and UB92 claims
Pre claim analysis ensures required insurance information
Customized HCFA template as per insurance guidelines
Prints CPTs on same HCFA
Prints HCFA with or without background
Prints patient and insurance statements
Auto reconciliation (ERA)
Batch Status Summary
Sorts collections multiple ways
Easy to Rebill Claims
Rejection Analysis
Customized Dashboard
Comprehensive reports