SuiteMedMD : Complete Healthcare Solutions Provider
Improving the Business of Healthcare - Providing Excellent Services to The Heathcare Industry for over 10 Years Improving the Business of Healthcare - Providing Excellent Services to The Heathcare Industry for over 10 Years
Form Fill Solution

Forms, Forms, Forms...........with our Form Filler,  forms used by the practice can be scanned into the system.  The desired data fields are dropped into place, the end result is an electronic form displaying the patient data with the ability to capture a patient signature, make hand written notes and more all with the use of a tabletpc and stylist.  

Front Desk Users:
When  checking in the patient the front desk staff can display the form, print it out for the patient, or if using a tabletpc or signature pad, capture the patient signature. Because the forms can pull in patient specific fields, this method eliminates the need to type or write in text.  

Clinical Staff:
Also,  during the patient visit  the provider can easily  display  forms such as release forms, procedure documentation, and capture the patient signature. The Form Filler module is easy to learn and use.  Form Filler allows users to drop in text boxes, use a stylist to circle items or check items, draw on the form and more.