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General Surgery

General Surgery EMR Software

General Surgery EMR Content
Arrow HPI (In depth coverage of the entire symptomatology)
Arrow Appendicitis
Arrow Burns
Arrow Breast cancer
Arrow Breast mass
Arrow Nipple/areola abnormality
Arrow Breast Pain
Arrow Breast infection
Arrow Rectus sheath hematoma
Arrow Diastasis recti
Arrow Epigastric hernia
Arrow Groin hernia
Arrow Incisional ventral hernia
Arrow Lumbar triangle hernia
Arrow Spigelian hernia
Arrow Umblical hernia
Arrow Umbilical mass
Arrow Umblical drainage
Arrow Bronchopleural fistula
Arrow Chylothorax
Arrow Hemothorax
Arrow Brancheal cleft cyst
Arrow Thyroglossal duct cyst
Arrow Zenker's diverticulum
Arrow Appendicolith
Arrow Carcinoid
Arrow Mucocele
Arrow Pseudomyxoma peritomei
Arrow Adenocarcinoma
Arrow Acholic stools
Arrow Jaundice
Arrow Pruritus
Arrow RUQ pain
Arrow Biliary fistula
Arrow Biliary stricture
Arrow Biloma
Arrow Cancer of Ampulla of Vater
Arrow Cancer CBD
Arrow Cancer Gall Bladder
Arrow Caroli's disease
Arrow Cholangitis
Arrow Cholicystitis
Arrow Choledocholithiasis
Arrow Cholelithiasis
Arrow Tube in Biliary Tree
Arrow Diverticular disease
Arrow Irritable Bowel Disease
Arrow Colon cancer
Arrow Colonic polyps
Arrow Hital hernia
Arrow Paraesophageal hernia
Arrow Eventration of the diaphragm
Arrow Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
Arrow Congenital hernia-bochdalek
Arrow Congenital hernia-morgagni
Arrow Volvulus
Arrow Ascites, Abcess
Arrow Budd-Chiari syndrome
Arrow Hydatid disease
Arrow Hepatic adenoma
Arrow Hepatocellular carcinoma
Arrow Metastatic GI tumor
Arrow Metastatic neuroendocrine tumor
Arrow Portal hypertension
Arrow Liver Transplant
Arrow Liver Trauma
Arrow Gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison)
Arrow Glucagonoma
Arrow Insulinoma
Arrow Somatostatinoma
Arrow VIPoma/WDHA
Arrow Pancreatic cyst
Arrow Pancreas divisum
Arrow Pancreatic cyst
Arrow Pancreatitis
Arrow Peritoneal inclusion cyst
Arrow Enterocultaneous fistula
Arrow Intussception
Arrow Meckel's diverticulum
Arrow Short bowel syndrome
Arrow Small bowel obstruction
Arrow Splenomegaly
Arrow Spleen trauma
Arrow Bezoar
Arrow Gastric outlet obstruction
Arrow Gastroparesis
Arrow GERD
Arrow Varices - portal HT
Arrow Afferent-loop syndrome
Arrow Gas-bloat syndrome
Arrow Cancer -anal
Arrow Cancer - rectal
Arrow Coccydynia
Arrow Condyloma
Arrow Fistula-in-ano
Arrow Foreign Object in Rectum
Arrow Hemorrhoids
Arrow Pilonidal disease
Arrow Procidentia (prolapse)
Arrow Infection soft tissue
Arrow Drainage
Arrow Imbedded foreign body
Arrow Lipoma
Arrow Sebaceous cyst
Arrow Wound/Injury
Arrow Mesenteric ischemia
Arrow Lymphedema
Arrow Thrombophlebitis
Arrow Varicose veins
Arrow Trauma
Arrow Incision and Drainage
Arrow Diagnostic biopsy
Arrow Mammogram abnormality
Arrow Glasgow Coma Scale
Arrow Head Injury
Arrow Soft Tissue injury and Wound Evaluation