SuiteMedMD : Complete Healthcare Solutions Provider
Improving the Business of Healthcare - Providing Excellent Services to The Heathcare Industry for over 10 Years Improving the Business of Healthcare - Providing Excellent Services to The Heathcare Industry for over 10 Years
Industry News

Grants for EHR Announced by Vice President Biden

CCH® Medicare — 09/07/09
Vice President Biden announced on August 20, 2009, that nearly $1.2 billion in grants would be available

>>More Information Grants for EHR


CMS Provides Guidance to States on Stimulus Grants for Health IT

CMS Press Release Date: 09/04/09
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will reimburse states that issue incentive payments to health care providers to encourage adoption of electronic medical records, according to guidance released on September 1, 2009.
>>More Information   CMS Guidance



SuiteMed, LLC. Guarantees Suitemed IMS Qualifies for Stimulus Incentives

SuiteMed, LLC.  is guaranteeing it’s product Suitemed IMS will meet or exceed federal requirements to qualify for Stimulus Incentives – or your money back
>>More Information   SuiteMedLLC guarantee

Red Flags Rule

Update: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has delayed the compliance deadline of the Red Flags Rule until Nov. 1, 2009.
>>More Information   Red Flags Rule 

Defining Meaningfull Use

Panel Offers Initial Criteria for Defining 'Meaningful Use'
June 16, 2009
>>More Information    Meaningful Use


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009  ARRA

The government defines an Electronic Health Record (EHR) as an "electronic record of individually identifiable ...
>>More Information   ARRA

CCHIT 2008 Certification includes SuiteMed

For Immediate Press Release May 7, 2009
The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) confirms that SuiteMed Intelligent Medical Software 12 is a CCHIT Certified 08 Ambulatory EHR.
>>More Information  CCHIT2008



ACP Announces Expanded List of Vendors to include SuiteMed

ACP Announces Explanded List of Vendors for EHR Partners Program
>>More Information   ACPvendors

Medicare's Revised ABN Now in Service

Reminder to family physicians who count Medicare beneficiaries
>>>More Information    Medicare Revised ABN 

All medical records computerized by 2014

President-elect Barack Obama has promised to computerize all of America's medical records within five years.
>>More Information  Computerized Records 

HHA Issues Final ICD-10 Code Sets and Updated Electronic Transaction Standards Rules

HHS Issues Final ICD-10 Code Sets and Updated Electronic Transaction Standards Rules
>>More Information  HHS Issues Final ICD-10 Code Sets Rules

Federal Government Delays ICD-10 Code Sets for Two Years

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) got the message: Don't rush to implement the International Classification of Diseases,
>>More Information  ICD10 Code Sets Delay

HHS Electronic Prescriptions Adoption

Medicare is taking new steps to speed the adoption of electronic prescribing (e-prescribing)
>>More Information   HHS Steps to Accelerate Adoption of Electronic Prescribing

City to Pay Doctors to Contribute to Database

For Dr. Harvey Benovitz, who graduated from medical school in 1962, it is as profound a shift in the way he treats patients as advances in diabetes

Dragon NaturallySpeaking from Nuance Wins Prestigious PC Magazine Editors’ Choice Award

Courtesy of:

PC Magazine Editors Hail Dragon NaturallySpeaking for Accuracy, Speed and New Voice Shortcuts; Dragon dubbed “a perennially great piece of software”

BURLINGTON, MA, September 3, 2008 – Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN), a leading provider of speech and imaging solutions, today announced that its recently released Dragon® NaturallySpeaking® 10 software has received the prestigious Editors’ Choice award from the editors of PC Magazine, following a rigorous technical and usability analysis. This is the third such award that PC Magazine has bestowed on Dragon NaturallySpeaking in recent years.
>>More information:   Dragon continued









Physician Quality Reporting Initiative


January 16, 2009
Courtesy of 
Texas Medical Association

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) got the message: Don't rush to implement the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) code sets. HHS has just adopted a final rule that delays the compliance deadline from Oct. 1, 2011, to Oct. 1, 2013. The final rule also pushed back implementation of the 5010 electronic claim form from April 1, 2010, to Jan. 1, 2012.

Physicians Quality Reporting Initiative


Physicians Quality Reporting Initiative


New For PQRI  Reporting Experience

What's New" for PQRI NEW! 2007 PQRI Reporting Experience.
>>More information  PQRI_continued      


>>More Information  Medicare Revised ABN






>>More Information   Red Flags Rule update


Monday July 21, 2008
HHS Takes New Steps to Accelerate Adoption of Electronic Prescribing