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Orthopedic & Sport Medicine |
Orthopedics &Sports Medicine EM0 comprehensively handles the needs of the Orthopedics &Sports Medicine practice. Our template based approach, allows for a significant reduction in the cost of dictation/transcription. Our pre-defined macros and easy to use point & click templates enable care-givers to provide a higher level patient care and improve the overall experience within each practice.
Symptomatology & Condition Based Templates
- Complete Individual Joints based Templates
MRI Review
X-ray Review
CT scan Review
Pre-op Evaluation
Post-op Evaluation
Assessment and Plan
Procedure Templates
- Sympathetic Block
- Discography
- Disc Compression
- Pump Refill
Examination Templates
Scales and Score Templates
- Knee Scoring Scale
- Knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS)
- Knee Rating System
- Osteoporosis risk assessment score
- Osteoarthritis Index
- Activity Level Scale
- Subjective Knee Assessment Score
- Shoulder Scoring System
Document & Image Management
Condense and organize paper flow into a user-friendly, easily accessible digital document file cabinet.
Customized file folders to organize documents
Multi-scan facility
Integrated with Fax management module
Easy access to patient documents/images
Mapping of patient records with bar-codes
Flexible and comprehensive prescription module easily tracks medication & refill history. Complete with drug education integration, dosing, allergy and drug interactions and contraindication checks to ensure the safety and well being of each patient.
- Maintains history of currentlpast medications
- Creates frequently used individual or group medication templates - A value added feature
- Customized Rx print layouts, allow for prescriptions to be printed at the time of check-out or to be faxed directly to the patient's pharmacy with the physician's password protected signature
- Prescription and refill history tasks can be easily tracked and completed through our Fax Management module