SuiteMedMD : Complete Healthcare Solutions Provider
Improving the Business of Healthcare - Providing Excellent Services to The Heathcare Industry for over 10 Years Improving the Business of Healthcare - Providing Excellent Services to The Heathcare Industry for over 10 Years

Psychiatry & Behavioral Health Suite

SuiteMed Psychiatry & Behavioral Health  EMR addresses the vast information needs of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health Specialty EMR including clinically-defined templates for common Psychiatry / Behavioral Health complaints, history of present illness and review of systems. SuiteMed Psychiatrists / Behavioral Health EMR provides unique features and capabilities specifically for mental health clinics. Charting templates for evaluation and progress notes, automated coding, medication and prescription management tools, e-prescribing, laboratory request interface to track patient lab results, etc. are important features of EMRs for Behavioral Health care.

Symptomatology and Condition Based Predefined Templates Scoring System & Scale Questionnaires
Anxiety ADHD Evaluation
Depression Zung Self -rating Depression Scales
Mania Hamilton Anxiety Scale
Psychosis Geriatric Depression Scale
Eating Disorder Caregiver-Burdern Inventory (CBI)
Sexual Disorder Hands Depression Screen Tool
Alcoholism Mood Disorder Questionnaire
Bipolar Disorder Carroll-Davidson Generalized Anxiety Disorder Screen
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Modified Sprint (Sprint-4)  PTSD Screen
Panic Disorder Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Personality Disorder Suicide Risk Questionnaire
Phobic Disorder  
Somatoform Disorder  














Predefined Macros and easy to use Point & Click templates enable caregivers to provide a high level of patient care and improve the overall experience within each practice.

Comprehensive Mental Examination Templates DSM-IV-TR Index:
  • Mental Status Examination
  • Classification Templates
  • Mini Mental Status Examination