SuiteMedMD : Complete Healthcare Solutions Provider
Improving the Business of Healthcare - Providing Excellent Services to The Heathcare Industry for over 10 Years Improving the Business of Healthcare - Providing Excellent Services to The Heathcare Industry for over 10 Years

ROI or Return on Investment:

Investing in any Practice Management and Electronic Medical Records software system should be considered an important investment in your practice. However, such an investment can be very costly if the practice does not utilize the system to it's fullest capabilities and commit themselves to making this work.

At SuiteMedMD we feel that it is important that you the customer understand the benefits of this investment, but also the requirements for success.  SuiteMedMD software suite can be the smartest decision your have make for your business, however, to make this successful you must be committed. No software is capable of reading your mind, or of being all things without your involvement and interaction. Since our software is specialty specific, we will provide you with the program needs and visit note templates that best suit your needs, however, the ability to customize and linking is part of making this move to a paperless office truly successful.

With SuiteMedMD you have options of how you want to invest:

·         Purchase software

·         Subscribe

·         ASP environment

Whether you purchase, subscribe or use the ASP services, online training is required.  Also, high speed internet connection is required for the online training, remote install, remote support and updates.

Purchasing the software requires the practice have minimal hardware requirements.

Subscription requires the practice have minimal hardware requirements as the software will be installed on hardware residing at the practice sight.

ASP Environment requires the practice have robust internet connectivity which enables remote scanning and reliable connectivity.

For more information on ROI calculation, please visit the HIMSS web site .